
Posts Tagged ‘ffxi’

Since it’s official now, I can “officially” state that I am now part of a panel at Anime Central/ACEN 2011! I’m so excited, though, really. The main person that runs it is someone I used to do things with on Seraph, when I was there (Catwho), and I haven’t yet met the FF14 panelist. I’m glad we got accepted because I think there will be some really fun things to talk about.

Right! details. The panel I am on is called the “Final Fantasy MMORPG Panel” and is tentatively held at 6pm-8pm on Saturday in Salon II.

Which apparently seats 400 people.

Have I mentioned my horrendous stutter and my quite possible stage fright?


Remember about those things that I talk about called challenging yourself all the time? This one oughta be a blast.

However, that means I need to start making more time than I have lately to play FFXI! 😀 Somewhat sarcastic.. somewhat not.

Also, I’ll be dressed as Miwako from Paradise Kiss! 😀

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